It is important to know who is who during a sale and what function each person or entity has.
They act as the liaison between the buyer and the seller. Their objective is to find the best way to open up communication between the two parties and to find suitable benefits for both. The agent helps the seller to find an appropriate sales price for their property and at the same time helps the buyer to find the property which best suits their needs and desires with the budget they have designated for it.
A good real estate agent is someone who offers help with the sale to the seller and with the searching of a property for the buyer. In addition, they must be a great connoisseur on the current market and be able to offer additional services which complement the process.
He is a legal professional. His mission is to defend and protect the interests of his client to ensure that the transaction is safe. The lawyer must advise his client during the purchase, review the legal situation of the property and the documents that are supported so that everything is done with absolute transparency.
The notary is a professional, public state official, close and impartial who helps you, advises and guarantees that your contract or business is adjusted to the strictest legality. The notary is a guarantee of legitimacy and security.
Signing any document in front of a notary gives tranquillity that the business or contract is definitive, immovable and effective and can be registered in the Property Registry.
The Land Registry is a public institution of the State, which responds to the need of security for the real estate market.
It provides us with information about the ownership of the house, the country property or the land that interests us and also about its legal situation, thus guaranteeing in an efficient and economical way the information balance between the owner or title holder and all the others, the whole society.
The Registry awards the right to a holder and only he can legally dispose of the property, that means only the registered owner can assert his right or dispose of it in front of other people.
Thanks to the inscription in the Registry, we are officially recognized as owners, hence its great importance.
It is the administrative register dependent on the State in which rustic, urban and special properties are described. It has several functions, one is to delimit the properties and the registration of them, the second is to establish "cadastral" values which help to calculate the taxes (IBIS) of the buildings in the Town Halls. It also serves as a guardian of legal security, because it records all the successive owners of a property or land. Thus, in disputes over property, the Cadastre serves as a legal guarantee of property.
Its function is to provide the necessary resources in case the buyer wants to finance part of the purchase. The banks analyse the borrowing capacity of the buyer and the guarantees that he can provide, which, together with the amount of the valuation of the property, certified by an valuer will determine the viability of granting the loan and in what percentage, with the guarantee of the property itself (mortgage), all in accordance with their own criteria.
They are the persons in charge of establishing the value of the property (appraisal value), so that said valuation serves as a mortgage guarantee, normally a bank loan. Their criteria are objective and based on market prices of similar homes. They work for companies officially recognized by the Bank of Spain.
Today any business action or decision has to take into account the tax issue, the tax advisor is a professional expert in tax knowledge (taxes). A good tax adviser will always seek to optimize the tax charges of his client, within the law, avoiding any risks that may cause future problems to his clients.
This agency is a company that offers administration management services to companies and individuals. All management is directed, at least, by a tax consultant administrative manager accredited by a professional association. This work is very important after signing the title deeds of a sale or mortgage loans as they will be responsible for ensuring the proper payment of taxes, cancellation of charges etc.
An architect is a professional who is responsible for designing reform or construction projects from the initial concept to its completion, including its development and supervision. In Spain, the architect's signature is mandatory for projects of a certain size (major work).
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