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Privacy Policy Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Spain

In accordance with EU regulation 2016/679, we offer you a summary of the processing operations carried out on this web site.

If you use the contact form of our web site, you should know that:

The responsible party for the processing of your data is Larvia de Gestión de Servicios S.L.

Why do we have your data? We need your data in order to answer your information and contact requests on our web site. We also need them to send you properties and/or plots according to your specifications.

Why can we have your data? We can use your contact data because you have given us permission (art. 6.1.a RGPD, General Register of Data Protection).

Do we give your data to third parties? No.

What can you do with respect to your data? You can request access, rectification, withdrawal and limiting of the processing of your data; just send us your request to Larvia de Gestión de Servicios S.L., as explained below.

If you sign up for our newsletter:

The responsible party for the processing of your data is Larvia de Gestión de Servicios S.L.

Why do we have your data? You have provided us with our e-mail address in order to send you information about our professional property services.

Why can we have your data? Consent by the interested party (art. 6.1.a RGPD, General Register of Data Protection).

Do we give your data to third parties? No.

What can you do with respect to your data? You can request access, rectification, withdrawal and limiting of the processing of your data; just send us your request to Larvia de Gestión de Servicios S.L., as in more information.

You can consult additional information about the data processing we carry out below.

More information about our privacy policy

Web contact

Who is responsible for the processing of your data? Larvia de Gestión de Servicios S.L. You can find all of the contact information as well as the location of our offices on our web site.

Contact person: Sonia Ballesteros.

What do we ask and use your data for? We use the contact form to facilitate the processing of information requests and the corresponding answers, as well as for the search for properties and/or plots according to your specified characteristics. In the latter case, we send information about properties which correspond to your specifications to your e-mail address. Without your data, we’re not able to answer you. We store your data for one year.

Why do we have your data? Legitimation: article 6.1.a; consent by the interested party.

Third party recipients of your data: None.

Rights of the interested party: You can exercise your rights to access, rectify, withdraw, oppose, suppress or limit the processing by sending us a registered letter together with your detailed request and a copy of your ID to Larvia de Gestión de Servicios S.L., CL Fernando el Santo 7. 28010 Madrid, España. Also via the contact form on our web site. You have the right to complain at the Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (Spanish Agency for Data Protection) if you believe something is wrong. We will be happy to take care of you and we will make every effort to attend to your request so that this step won’t be necessary.

Data newsletter

Who is responsible for the processing of your data? Larvia de Gestión de Servicios S.L. You can find all of the contact information as well as the location of our offices on our web site.

Contact person: Sonia Ballesteros.

What do we ask and use your data for? Only to send you our information newsletter according to your request.  We keep your e-mail address until you unsubscribe.

Why do we have your data? Legitimation: article 6.1.a; consent by the interested party. We can use your data while you have your consent to send you our information newsletter.

Third party recipients of your data: None.

Rights of the interested party: You can exercise your rights to access, rectify, withdraw, oppose, suppress or limit the processing by sending us a registered letter together with your detailed request and a copy of your ID to Larvia de Gestión de Servicios S.L., CL Fernando el Santo 7. 28010 Madrid, España. Also via the contact form on our web site. You have the right to complain at the Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (Spanish Agency for Data Protection) if you believe something is wrong. We will be happy to take care of you and we will make every effort to attend to your request so that this step won’t be necessary.

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