Tips to save up in January
Hard January, how to make it a little less hard
After December's excesses, in January we must tighten our belts!
December is a month of continuous spending. Presents, dinners with family, friends and even not so friends½ one ends up eating and drinking for two! Sounds familiar? Don´t worry, after December comes January, the complete contrary. Back to routine, to loosing those extra kilos you have gained over the holidays and to reducing the expenditures committed over Christmas! But how?
Today we launch 7 tips to release the saver in you!
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Eat at home. There´s no place like home and especially after a month of lunch and dinner everywhere, but home! It's not only the way to fit back into those skinny jeans that you used to wear before the holidays, it's also the best way to save up some money. If you don't go out, you don't spend, easy! [/li_item]
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Enjoy activities outdoors. Are you living in the countryside? Near the beach? Or perhaps in the city? Wherever you are there has to be a park close by where you can have a walk or do some jogging. Fresh air will give you the energy to combat December½ and free! [/li_item]
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Sport, sport and more sport. In January there are probably more gym subscriptions than in the rest of the year because how many times have you heard or said "in January I'm signing up," "this month for sure." That´s great but now it´s time to do not to say! It doesn't have to be the gym, join a sport you like or try an exercise routine at home. If it´s sport, it works. [/li_item]
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Take note of expenditures and plan. It's annoying, I know, but it's also the best way to have everything under control. You will know what to spend the money on and, more importantly, on what not to. It's surprising how much it helps to be organised! [/li_item]
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Buy seasonal products. Buying seasonal fruits, vegetables and legumes will not only let you prepare the most delicious salads but will also lower the price of your basket. These products are the most abundant and therefore the ones with the lowest prices and watch out, many have discounts![/li_item]
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Control your shopaholic. We all go crazy with sales, those red signs indicating 50% off or that two for one that you definitely can't avoid. Taking advantage of offers is a good idea, but you must be careful. Don´t buy items that are not discounted and try not walk around the shops too often. Out of sight, out of mind.[/li_item]
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Stop Tabaco. January is a month of resolutions and what better one that saying no to smoking. Do you know how much you would save? If you collect what you spend on cigarettes during three months, you will have enough to afford a weekend holiday, sounds good right? And without even mentioning health...the most important saving![/li_item]
Following these tips I don´t know if you´ll have millions by the end of the month, but you´ll definitely surpass hard January!!