Nit del Foc - Night of fire
Nit del Foc - Night of fire
The "Nit del Foc" (night of fire) is one of the most important events of the summer in Majorca. It is a tradition that has been going on for many years and that causes great expectation and enthusiasm. It is celebrated on the eve of Sant Joan on the 23
rd of June. It takes place in the Parc de la Mar by the cathedral and it is characterized by its huge display of devils and demons that run through the streets with fireworks and firecrackers - better known in Spanish as the "correfoc."

It is recommended that you follow the safety code which the organisers recommend - cover as much of your body's surface with cotton clothing, remember that sparks candamage your specs and camera lens, don't touch any fireworks, don't smoke near the enormous barrels of gunpowder, and keep well back. Oh, and if you wish to dance with a demon, do it in a lighthearted manner!

This is not the only activity that takes place during the night, more precisely the fire run takesplace around 23 hours and is on for about one hour. The festivity begins around 20 hours and includes bonfires, pop concerts, workshops for children, food and beverage stands, traditional dances like the "ball de bot," a perfect atmosphere and many other surprises.