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Leaks at home?

Do you have leaks and your neighbour won't take care of them?

Leaks at home? Your neighbour declines responsibility?

You have the solution in this post!!

If you have leaks don´t worry, they appear in most homes and everything has a solution. It´s important to act as soon as possible if you don´t want a small inconvenience to become a problem that affects the entire structure. This is not always an easy task since leaks appear subtly, like simple droplets on the ceiling or walls and often go unnoticed. If you observe any irregularity, don't pass by!

The first step is to find out the origin of the leak, which can come from your home, the community or, as in most cases, due to a problem of your neighbours. If the problem is yours, talk to your insurance company and get to work, there is no time to lose. If it´s from the building, it´s the community of neighbours that must take responsibility and the president that must take care of all formalities. If it´s your neighbours, it´s their responsibility to assume the problem. But what if they don´t want to?

When the leak comes from your neighbour's house, talk to them and confirm the exact source. If they recognize that it comes from their house and do not pose any inconvenience, problem solved. The only thing you must worry about is making sure their insurance company acts as soon as possible.

If your neighbours deny that the leak comes their house or do not accept responsibility the steps to follow are:

  • Hire the services of an insurance expert. Therefore, you will get a detailed report of the cause, necessary repairs and price. In many cases, your insurance will cover the cost of the expertise. Once you have the report, present it to your neighbours, they are likely to reconsider.
  • If this doesn´t work, submit an out-of-court claim. This claim, which may be in the manner of Burofax or presented as an act of conciliation at the court of peace, will serve as a warning to prevent reaching the courts.
  • f you get to this point, you have no choice but to file a complaint. Talk to a lawyer and make sure you are well advised.

Don´t be scared if you find a leak, now you know how to act. There is no need to worry!!
Published: 09 Jun 2017

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