Art Palma brunch 2015
Art Palma brunch 2015.
As in previous years, this month Palmas art galleries, cultural centres and museums open their doors and host a unique event to welcome the spring season. It is organised by the association of contemporary artgalleriesin Palma de Mallorca (a non-for-profit membership organisation created in 2004 and specialized in contemporary art) and will take place Saturday 11
th of April from 11:00 to 14:00h.

It is one of the most important artistic events of the year in the island as visitors are invited to enjoy a wide range of inaugurations whilst trying the best appetizers. Apart from the obvious privilege of contemplating the best art pieces other activities will take place during the morning. These will include talks from professional artists, gallery guided walks, live performances and video projections to celebrate Palma's international art scene.

Aba Art Contemporani, Xavier Fiol, Louis XXI, HorrachMoyà, Kewenig, Maior, el CCC Pelaires, La Lonja, Addaya Centre d'ArtContemporani, Capella de La Misericòrdia, PepLlabrés Art Contemporani, CaixaForum, Casal Solleric, Es Baluard, Galeria Fran Reus, CAC SesVoltes, Galeria Gabriel Vanrell, La Caja Blanca y la Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró will be thegalleriesparticipating in theevent.Some of these galleries will expose their permanent exhibitions and others will inaugurate new projects full of secrets and surprises. It is the perfect way to enjoy Majorcasbeautiful sunny mornings whilst getting a taste of its breath-taking art culture. The president of Art Palma, XabierFiol, stated that the event has improved dramatically during the years but that it´s bound to get better and become a big cultural gathering.